no fun/no love

bludgeon the cop in your head—
mouse trap to the dome

your dead won’t hold you

deus ex machina come, crash
into me

this isn’t an axiom

cerebral car crash in silver streets


someone asks if i really like the dodgers

while you breastfeed the one that survived

it always comes back to foucault
& the proliferation of surveillance
you watching me watching you
watching my own death on t.v.

so what if i’m no fun anymore…

define praxis or agape or gargantuan
define my long list of confessions
my brief prayers / my sacrilege sacrifice


yes maybe your absence is a presence
maybe my sleep deprived molcajete eyes
are rummaging for honest sleep

can’t find a decent parking space on
the east or the west side
can’t find the little halo tucked
away in my conglomerate lethargy


on south pasadena ave, palms a’glittering
santa anas blanket my private vigil

in a city of parking lot infrastructures
it isn’t enough to try & find you >>>

yes this is an apology
but in the aristotelian
sense—flat cherry coke bad day hood lyric

—a new american classic

whisper it ///

on gray salt paloma 108th street, owls at dusk
are pantoums perched on palms—they too, forgive

jimmy vega is the child of Mexican immigrants, a Chicanx Los Angeles born and raised poet, writer, educator, artist, and curator. His debut poetry collection will be published by What Books Press in 2025. He holds an MFA from the School of Critical Studies, Creative Writing Program at CalArts, where they co-created the MFA in Creative Writing’s HYPERLINK reading series and a B.A. in English with a concentration in Creative Writing from UCLA. In 2023 their work was on view at The Reef Los Angeles as part of the group exhibit, Spell/ing. He is a former 2023 ELL Faculty Fellow at CalArts and is the Associate Director of Beyond Baroque Literary Arts/Center. He lives in Los Angeles, on unceded Tongva land, with Gladys and Olive.