Later that same day….
It’s over as far as I’m concerned.
So many picky things to pick through in a day.
What’s that smell?
I know what I know when I know it
and after that I have my doubts.
Very important to maintain at all times
good cheer: you never know who’s talking.
Almost too much to bear.
Blushed pink — or brushed pink — sky.
Walking forward in a straight line.
Here’s how I explore my subjectivity.
But then you arrived with your many problems.
People die, it helps but it can’t be helped.
I make things then break them so I can make them again.
Standing behind, peeping out, scheming.
Explore his subjectivity.
Pressure of pronouns that place it or me somewhere or other.
If I then you, which is them, which includes us or excludes them.
A couple of elephants standing then walking around.
This is the evil a day makes.
Name your poison, take out your trash.
This is me experiencing my life force or yours.
Watch out for the screen.
Such simplicity, some sincerity.
The things one says one wants.
And then afterwards a sneaking sensation.
Hard to hold onto these little knobs.
A forest of some trees.
A leather jacket for the weather.
When I was younger it snowed.
A pack, some packs, of cigarettes no one will smoke.
Selling things in the way things used to be sold
in the days when they sold things like that.
I don’t even know that I don’t even know.
The specific street on which they walk home.
It’s a people-made world.
Lately a feeling I’ve made or been made to feel.
How does anyone put thoughts together?
The majority of people believe
and those that do not believe believe that.
Held in the arms of fate.
One swift kick and the curtain falls.
Individual players make up a team.
Anyone who really knows self as is will be
against the state and against the state
of things as generally construed.
A sensation not to be denied.
A singer in meek tones in front of a tin piano.
It’s later before it gets earlier
or vice versa around here.
Wherever you look there’s something to see.
An area defined by a fence, an aroma, a legal document.
Police informants never lie.
Tried to call but was lost inside myself.
Hear O Israel or whoever else is listening.
If you say something say something.
Spice posh or space posh or posh posh.
Nothing will only lead to nothing included in the price.
To wish everyone well is easy enough
when you hurl down your shirt emphatically
at the end of a lost epoch.
The streets were paved with glass.
My heart of hearts is heavier than it looks.
I’m mad at myself for being myself
and myself is mad at me for noticing.
I notice the world, that it’s there.
You can judge a book by its cover
but if you read the book
you will be unable to judge its cover.
Type with thumbs or keep people under them.
When thumb-wrestling a person is all thumbs.
Thumbs up or down, it’s a matter of relative direction.
Opposable thumbs are the mothers of invention.
Of thought of the highest degree there are no objects.
To get something done ask why.
To ask why ask what is a question for.
To ask what is a question for ask what are words for.
To inquire of words consider your situation.
Wherever they put it they can’t find it
although they are looking for it up and down
with their thumbs all day and all night long.
Usually it turns up when you least expect it
behind the fallen curtain in the dark
when you’ve realized you don’t need it anymore
and never really did
or have given up the search because it wore you out.
But being worn out is the beginning
of the search for nothing
which is the difference between
one thing and another.
Philosophy as a way of life and a way of life as a philosophy.
Being alive is quite a pick-me-up.
Astonished to be so aggrieved by something
so trivial yet so compelling.
The arc of history catenates between two points
at start and finish if you can find them
anyplace outside the history books
written by the professors hired by the winners
whose victory is always pyrrhic.
Stretched taut enough to snap.
Any individual by virtue of that is as small as large.
This is in memory of my feelings
that they remain true
to the dictates of my body
that always strives to be comfortable
in an uncomfortable world.
One holding a poised sword
another a feather in each hand
wearing fur, one foot lifted in dance to silent drum.
The heavens thunder time and time again.
I’ll say that once more so you’ll get it: time and time again.
It’s different this once.
This is what we would do if we could
do as we wished if we had
wishes tattooed all over our faces.
It’s my experience, that doesn’t make it true.
If we were not in a state
there would be no police
an emotional state in the neighborhood.
We remain in a police state.
When you are even-minded the mind remains
even as it disappears.
The same line written when young
reappearing in old age read in your book
the meaning completely altered by the century and slant
of light and shadow cast on the line of letters at time of day
by nose on face or recombining DNA.
Thinking through the problem does not solve the problem
just gets you to the other side of the problem
where the problem robustly remains so as to
bamboozle the others sauntering unknowing
along the same primrose path.
An eye cannot see itself
and another eye seeing that eye
can’t see that eye’s seeing,
but when something goes wrong with the eye
an eye expert can guess
what it was a little later
after all the magic dissolves.
Fear is a sign of respect so if you’re not afraid
you’ll leave the party alone
or leave the party alone.
Singing a melody of fate above a bass line of fate.
Fate’s a loser in the game of chance
we call time in which events repeat
just long enough that thinking gets the hang of them.
You should become a banker if you’re not already a watch-maker.
Let freedom ring, or, alternatively, God save the Queen.
Certain kinds of bacteria are endemic to the soil
and the darkness of the digestive system.
There are no systems specific enough to merit the name.
It’s all mixed up in my mind.
I wonder a bit longer then vacate the scene
upon which a sinister wind hovers parting the darkness
I later recall on eventual arrival.
Don’t worry about later it will be now soon enough.
This is what I thought to say
to those of you who asked
for further instructions
about basic installation
of non-specific unnamed systems.
Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen
except those who caused it and feel it outside in
till it eats them alive.
Nothing in my experience is in my experience.
Men like me probably think like me
but women like me think of femininity in the way
leaves float down rivers or clouds rush along skies
or men like me think of them without knowing what they think.
Every difference depends on the sameness
it pushes off of in order to think it knows itself.
Here in the darkness as in the mountains
you feel free
till you get to the top.
Ah, the things of the world.
Ah, the world of things.
Ah, the things of things.
Ah, the of of of.
Purify yourself of your opinions
just enough to be able to see
one leaf and one stone
one bird or one leaf
one stone or three foxes
or a deer in sunlight looking at you
staring rapt at your strangeness
and leave it at that.
One gentle breath so precious
and the distant person whispering that.
The need to live as long as possible
is clearly a displacement
of the pleasure of being alive for as long as it lasts
a kind of grasping at straws too clogged to drink from.
Out of such straws whole worlds arise.
Out of such worlds wonders never cease
but one grows weary of them.
Notwithstanding the agile body
production increases by leaps and bounds
so open your eyes to the no-end-in-sight.
What occurs takes place somewhere
in an aura of happenstance.
Walking erect in precarious balance.
Coming to the end you notice the steep sides
there all along but fortunately oblivious to you
because the lyrics of the song you were singing occupied your mind.
Blue skies smiling at me nothing but blue skies do I see.
Black sky at night is a sailor’s fright.
Red sky at morning is a sailor’s warning.
Green sky at noon is a wake up call.
I too am a Berliner.
Black symbolizes the unknown (to white).
White symbolizes knowledge (misbegotten).
Black symbolizes wholeness (in parts).
White symbolizes a confusion of events (that did not happen that way).
Black stands for standing on the (bloody) earth
during the day or night
while white hops on one foot.
Darkness swallows light.
Light trips, falls over into darkness.
In morning in evening
sky’s nor light nor dark but dusky and dawnish.
Smoke is on the hills. Rise up.
Here we are again hoping for another moment
without knowing that’s what we’re doing
and that anything else we’re doing is only merely that.
Lucidity is a monstrous canard
concealing a great darkness
that envelopes them and you.
Before long all the problems you thought through
and left behind
will be upon you
in lovely unmentionable ways.
All things are the cream of the crop
but the blue ones are the best
because you like them best.
Accept your limitations.
Settle the score and pay up.
Norman Fischer has been publishing poetry since the 1970's. His latest book is the serial poem Through a Window (Roof). Chax Press brought out his Selected Poems 1980-2013 in 2017. He lives on the coast of northern California, not far from San Francisco.