from Pursuit

Months pass


the next time

we speak

the boar



offers me

a lamp

promises the

dethorning of

my throat

I need

to oblige

the light

my leaves


of water


the thorn


for us

I want

a room full

of windows

faced north

I watch moths

perch breed

on brown sticks

once named

dahlias or

bats bite

the heads

off beetles

in the dim eaves

of the porch

nourishment is

a brief moment

before this hard knot

in my chest

Dillon Thomas Clark is a writer, editor, and educator from New Jersey. Currently, they live in Tucson, Arizona where they are a MFA student at the University of Arizona and Editor-in-Chief of Sonora Review. They were named a finalist for the 2021 Sandy Crimmins National Prize for Poetry hosted by Philadelphia Stories and were a 2023 Southwest Field Studies in Writing Fellow. Their work appears in the tiny, Southwest Field Studies "From the Field," and is forthcoming in Cobra Milk.