There was a time I wanted to taste you
See what was under the dingy Tshirt
The type of body under worn out jeans
But you had no taste for me & my kind
All this before God sent you Olivia
When all she could see was you
Now there are pieces of rose colored glasses
Scattered along the bar floor
She put such heart into you
Trying to save you
When you didn't think you needed saving
I remember the Olive skin of your last girlfriend
Before you broke her
You are not use to pretty women
Last we talked
You told me of nights spent in an emergency room
When your body threw itself into seizures
I watch you stumble about
In and out
for drinks and cigarettes
Hoping for the best

Shane Allison is the author of four collections of poetry. I Remember (Future Tense Books), Slut Machine (Queer Mojo Press), Sweet Sweat (Hysterical Books), and his most recent I Want to Eat Chinese Food Off Your Aa (Dumpster Fire Press). His new collection Turbulent is forthcoming from Hysterical Books. When he's not writing, he's making collages.